Getting Started Is Easy!
- Choose your Package below
- Create USER ID ( User Name, Password, Subscriber Name, Address, Phone & Email)
- Agree To License Agreement
User ID’s may NOT be shared between Locations.
Each location holds its OWN Separate Licensing Agreement.
Violation of Licensing Agreement will result in immediate termination of Subscription.
- Set up Monthly SECURE Payment
Using The Program Is Easy!
Each Week:
- Login – You’ll see Week 1, Week 2, Week 3, Week 4
- For Holiday Months, Go To HOLDAYS & EXTRAS Tab.
- Click on the Highlighted Week In Your Que. Your Videos are ready to be downloaded & played into your System, per your IT Dept’s implementation.
(If you have questions, call & we will help you)
Remember – Each Week Includes:
- 1 Piano Concert
- 1 Name That Tune Concert
- 1 Specialty Concert
- 1 Worship Service
And a once a month Breaking Boredom 30 Day Challenge to print & distribute to Residents!